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Redmatch opens UK office! In order to reach out to and better serve our UK clients, we have opened an office in the UK and look forward to helping UK companies eliminate the need to sift through irrelevant candidate profiles and allow recruiters to focus their time and effort only on those who candidates that are relevant. We also welcome enquiries from other HR companies who are interested in deploying our technology. We offer 2 months free trial. Let’s meet for a coffee!
!Now Hiring 20 Soccer Players for Real Madrid
Dani Avidor, founder and CEO of Redmatch will present on February 4th in the annual recruiting conference held in Israel and will handle the future of the recruiting world in the years to come. Imagine yourself that on your candidate list amongst the programmers and customer services representatives are also basketball players. Redmatch, founded 13 years ago is specialized in the connection between the employer and the employee. These days the company is working on a project that may bring the need for HR recruiting managers in the field of sports on the local and international level and that’s what Dani will focus about and present at the upcoming conference!